Vote NO 2 TAX APRIL 7th

Vote NO 2 TAX APRIL 7th

Friday, February 20, 2015

We can't cut state taxes, but we can stop local one

Richard Rogers had the following letter published in the February 20,2015 Dispatch/Rock Island Argus. He makes some excellent points. "The schools are after more money from the taxpayer because they are unable to spend properly. ..... Consider what was reported on Feb. 6 for Illinois residents: An increase to a 2 percent on food and drugs, an increase of 13 cents per gallon gas tax, a $20 increase for registration of vehicles, an increase of $5 for drivers license renewal. ..... These increases you can do little or nothing about, but you can vote no on the 1 percent sales tax for Rock Island County schools, as this will add even more to the tax burden being dropped on us. ..... The schools very carefully have placed this vote on a historically unattended election so that this vote will be controlled by very few people, many of whom may have a vested increase to increase taxes. ..... Voters have turned down tax increases repeatedly, and schools are trying yet again. Schools need to cut administrative costs. ..... Get out and vote in April; just say no again. ..... What the state is proposing will affect everyone, regardless of income source, with higher costs for food, gasoline, and driving. It is time to force the schools to use money wisely. ..... Administrative costs are outrageous. At least three superintendents make at least $175,000 per year. The director of the Illinois Department of Corrections, responsible for 49,000 felons in prison, plus those on parole, makes $150,000. Think about it before you vote."

1 comment:

  1. It is not only the amount of the tax that should concern us, but as Rogers says, the cumulative effect of a whole array of taxes imposed. This is our opportunity to make a stand and oppose this sales tax in April. The economy has been in the doldrums for a lengthy period of time and it continues to sputter along. That additional !% on a large purchase could deter shoppers from spending and postpone their purchases. If it happens, it would have a pernicious effect upon the business owners in the local area.
