Vote NO 2 TAX APRIL 7th

Vote NO 2 TAX APRIL 7th

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Improve our schools by giving them less money?

One can reach some interesting conclusions by studying the 2012 Rock Island and Scott County School statistics. One finds that Rock Island School District 41 has the highest Budget/Student figure at $11,562 per student yet has the lowest scores on the No Child Left Behind test with 30.1% meeting or exceeding the national standard for reading and 25.9% on math. A failing grade in any scoring system. United Township is not much better spending $11,442 per student and scoring 38.8% on reading and 39.6% on math. Every Scott County school has higher test scores in both reading and math than any Rock Island County school. Rockridge is the highest scoring school in Rock Island County with 61.8% scoring at or above the national standard in reading and 65.2% in math at a per student cost of $10,705. Bettendorf and Pleasant Valley had a per student cost of $9321 with reading scores of 80.5% and math scores of 78.5%. North Scott had a per student cost of $9074 with reading scores of 82.1% and math scores of 78.6%. Davenport had a per student cost of $10,262 with reading scores of 70.7% and math scores of 66%. Looking at these figures one might reach the conclusion that maybe the best way to improve education is by spending less money. Of course there are many factors involved in these results but it is obviously unrealistic to assume that throwing more money at our schools will lead to any improvement!

1 comment:

  1. Here is a link to the full dataset for 2008 - 2012:
