Vote NO 2 TAX APRIL 7th

Vote NO 2 TAX APRIL 7th

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Comparing Apples to Apples

On January 6 the Moline Sam's Club on John Deere Road was selling regular gasoline for $2.07.9 per gallon, the lowest price we have seen in Rock Island County. Also on January 6 the Davenport Sam's Club on Elmore was selling regular gasoline for $181.9 per gallon. 26 cents cheaper per gallon in Iowa! While we were watching we did not see a single car with Iowa license plates fueling up at the Moline Sam's Club but more that half the cars fueling up at the Davenport Sam's Club had Illinois license plates. ..... Supporters of the Rock Island County 1 percent school sales tax will try to convince you that higher taxes do not cause consumers to alter their shopping habits. ARE THEY NUTS? OR DO THEY THINK WE ARE THAT GULLIBLE? THIS COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED ON AN AVERSION TO TAXES! EVADING TAXES IS THE AMERICAN WAY! Of course all these Illinois motorists are helping to pay for Iowa roads and other Iowa governments and not helping to pay for Illinois roads and governments. While in Iowa they possibly shop at Iowa stores and dine at Iowa restaurants, paying more taxes to help Iowa schools and government. The Rock Island County 1 percent school sales tax will add to the exodus of Illinois dollars into Iowa, especially when diners notice a 10% sales tax at Moline and Rock Island restaurants and compare that sales tax with the 7% in Scott County restaurants.

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